Grading Group Assignments/Discussions

Grading Group Assignments/Discussions

Grading group assignments and discussions is different than grading individual work, and therefore has a slightly different workflow. Steps to grading group assignments and discussions are outlined below.

Grading Group Assignments

In group assignments, each group is treated as a single entity. Thus, the mark given to the group submission will apply to every student in the group, there are workarounds to this, please reach out to edtech@brocku.ca to talk through how to give a specific group member a different grade than the rest of the group.

Please note: Instead of assignment submissions being tracked by student, they are tracked by group. In the image below, there are 3 submissions, but it also says only 2 groups have submitted. This means that one group has submitted twice. Multiple submissions can be turned off in the assignment editor, learn more here: Assignments

Assignment area with new submissions (3) and completed (2 out of 3) sections highlighted
A group is only marked as “completed” once it has submitted at least once


In the marking area for the assignment, submissions are sorted by Group, with student contributors listed next to the file they submitted.

Assignment submission area with group names and name of contributors highlighted
In this case, the groups are TEST 1, 2, and 3


Upon clicking “Evaluate”, instructors are brought to the usual evaluation screen. They can see the number of submissions made by the group, as well as provide a grade and feedback.


Once a grade is given and published, every group member receives that grade. Group member grades can be individually changed in the Grades area. Learn more here: Grades

Grading Group Discussions

When grading group discussions, the topic must be set to graded by editing the topic and changing the value from Ungraded.

On top of grading each user with an overall cumulative grade, there is also the option to assess individual posts that can generate a final grade based on various criteria. Learn more at Discussions. Students are assessed individually in the discussions area, there is no way to mark them in the discussion as a group. To learn the specifics about grading students in Discussions, see here: Assess Discussion Topic.


Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.