
The Assignments tool is an online assessment tool that collects written, visual, audio, and video submissions for grading, and feedback purposes. The Assignments tool houses tools, and features that assist the instructor to provide detailed feedback via annotation tools, audio, and video features. This tool is also equipped with robust Assignment statistics.

The Navbar (Brock red background) with a spotlight highlighting the Assignments Tool tab.

Assignments is accessible to all site users. On course sites, only those with an Instructor role can create, edit, and share assignments with the course site. Both Teaching Assistants and Instructors can grade assignment submissions, and publish feedback to students. Students can use the Assignments tool to upload, and submit multimedia files for grading, and review the feedback provided from the instructor.

Assignments Page

The main page of the Assignments tool features the list of assignments built in the course site, their respective category, and an overview of the assessment statistics:

  1. New submissions - provides a count of new assessments since the last visit

  2. Completed - provides a count of submitted, and ready for grading submissions

  3. Evaluated - provides a live count of evaluated assessments

  4. Published Feedback - provides a count of published feedback

  5. Due Date - lists the due dates of assessments

Featured Buttons:

New Assignment”, ”Edit Categories”, and “More Actions


Select the “New Assignment” button to build a new assignment.

For more information visit: Create an Assignment - Brightspace at Brock Documentation - Confluence (

Select the “Edit Categories” button to open the Category maintenance page.

Please note that an Assignment Category is functionally different from a Gradebook Category. Gradebook Categories can impact the weight of assessments towards final course marks. An Assignment Category helps administrators organize the Assignment view on the Assignments page for themselves, and students.

For more information visit: “Edit Categories.”


Select an assignment, then select the “More Actions” button to access the page administration features.

Features include: Preview assignments, Reorder the list of assignments, view the assignment’s Event Log, Make the assignment Visible to Users, Hide the assignment from Users and Delete the assignment.

Bulk Edit

The Bulk Edit feature allows for quick and easy editing of multiple assignments, and can be found at the top of the Assignments page, under New Assignment button.

This feature allows instructors to update multiple assignments' names, categories, start dates, end dates, and due dates at the same time! Simply select the Assignments you wish to edit from your list then select the Bulk Edit button to modify their parameters, and category settings.

Please contact CPI at with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.