Quick Eval
Quick Eval is a Brightspace tool that compiles assessments to be graded across an instructor’s courses. It is a convenient way of knowing what assessments require attention, and acting upon that information.
Locating Quick Eval
Quick Eval is a tool located on an instructor’s Brightspace homepage (accessible by clicking the Brock logo in the top-left of Brightspace). It can be found in two places:
Quick Eval can be found via the navbar on the Brightspace homepage.
Quick Eval is also a widget on an instructor’s Brightspace homepage. It can be found below the My Courses widget. Clicking on the Quick Eval title or View all activities on the widget will open the Quick Eval tool fully.
View By/Filtering
The Quick Eval tool has a default view of sorting submissions by submission date (least recent → most recent), it also offers the option to view by Activities, allowing instructors to search for new submissions from a particular assessment.
Instructors are given the ability to filter by Activity Name (Assessment Name), Course, and Date should they be looking for particular submissions.
Grading Through Quick Eval
It is recommended that instructors who choose to grade through Quick Eval do so using the View by Activities option. This view gives instructors more options for grading. View by Submission is best used when instructors only plan on evaluating a certain student. Assessing multiple new submissions is best used in View by Activities.
View by Activities
View by Activities sorts new submissions by the assessment they are associated with. Additionally, data shows instructors how many submissions have been completed, how many have been evaluated, and how many of those evaluations have been published. This allows instructors to keep track of how the grading process for any one assessment is going. By hovering their mouse over an assessment (or selecting the bottom dot on the far-right of the assessment) new options are given to the instructors.
Evaluate All: Sends instructors to the respective grading area of the assessment, where they can grade each new submission in turn.
Submission List: Sends instructors to the submission area of the assessment. They can take a closer look at who has submitted, who hasn’t, when those submissions were made, etc.
More Actions: Instructors have the ability to publish all draft evaluations, or dismiss the activity from Quick Eval temporarily. Dismissing the activity from Quick Eval doesn’t affect the assessment itself in any way. Dismissed activities can be viewed by clicking the three dots above the search bar.\
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