Enter Grades
The Enter Grades page of the Grades tool is where the instructor can view a class list and each student's grades including their final grade. Grades can be entered or adjusted on this screen when in spreadsheet view. There are multiple ways in which you can enter grades in Brightspace. This page contains entering grades directly into gradebook and entering grades through other tools (i.e., grading an assignment).
The Grades Setup Wizard will appear as the initial view in a new and empty course site. This is useful for first time users but is simply a walkthrough of the options in Manage Grades and Settings.
Entering Grades in Gradebook
For assessments that are not linked to an Assignment, Discussion or Quiz (i.e., participation), you can enter grades directly into the grade item. Click on the chevron beside the grade item you wish to input, and click Enter Grades.
Alternatively, switch to spreadsheet view to quickly enter scores for grade items for multiple students. Be sure to save after entering grades in this view.
For bulk grade entry or importing grades from excel please see Importing/Exporting Grades.
Entering Grades via Assessments
Entering Grades via Quizzes
When creating or editing a quiz, you will be prompted to allocate a score to it. Beside the score, you will have the option to include the assignment in Grades. If this option is selected, when you go to grade the quiz, any grade you publish will be automatically synced with Grades.
Entering Grades via Assignments
When creating an assignment, you will be prompted to allocate a score to it. Beside the score, you will have the option to include the assignment in Grades. If this option is selected, when you go to mark assignments, any grade you publish will be automatically synced with Grades.
Entering Grades via Discussions Topics
When creating a Discussion Topic, you will be prompted to allocate a score to it, if graded. Beside the score, you will have the option to include the Topic in Grades. If this option is selected, when you go to mark the threads or Topic, any grade you publish will be automatically synced with Grades.
Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.