
Classlist gives site owners (Instructors) the ability to view, add, and remove members. They can also view enrollment statistics and communicate with members in various ways.

Students are added to course sites based on official roster data and any changes are synced daily at regular intervals. No adjustments in Brightspace are necessary.

Please note: Classlist is inaccessible to students for privacy reasons. Teaching Assistants can see the Classlist but cannot perform any of the enrollment functions. To learn more about the various permissions of each Brightspace role, please see

How to Access Classlist

Classlist can be accessed by clicking the Classlist link on the course navbar, it can also be reached using Course Admin. Read more about Course Admin here:

Classlist highlighted on the course navbar
Classlist can be found in the instructor’s navbar for a course

Viewing Participants

Upon entering Classlist, instructors are given a general view of participants in the course.

Classlist area
Default view in Classlist

Filtering the list by Instructors, TAs, and Students

The list can be set to filter Instructors, TAs, and Students using the tabs above the list.

Filtering the list by Section

The Classlist can also be set to filter by section by changing the View By option from User to Section and clicking Apply. This option only appears if your course site has more than one section (roster) in it, for example, the lecture section and multiple lab sections.

Once applied, a new drop down menu called Sections will appear next to View By. Keep in mind that the Apply button must be clicked to update the list when switching between sections.

Course Enrollment

Participants can be added and removed from the course site in the Classlist area. This can only be performed by instructors. TAs do not have permission to enroll/unenroll students from the site. Learn more about specific roles and permissions here:

Adding Participants

Participants can be added to a course by clicking Add Participants Add Existing Users in the top left of the Classlist area. “Existing users” refers to users that are already in Brock’s Brightspace instance, which encompasses almost any student, faculty, or staff member with a Brock University ID.

Clicking Add Existing Users will open a search area where instructors can filter to search for various people within the university to add to their course. The best search strategy is to use the person’s BrockID (e.g., me14sx or melliott2).

Please note: There is currently no way to bulk-enroll participants. When a participant is found, they must be given a role and section before another search can be made, or progress will be overwritten.

Enrollment Options - Allows Instructors to automatically set the role and section of participants being added. This feature is often not helpful, as typically multiple searches need to be performed to find multiple users. However, it could be helpful if an instructor has several participants with the same name, and can enroll multiple people using only one search.

Send Enrollment Email - There is the option to send an email to inform a user that they have been enrolled in the site. Instructors are unable to change what the email says. An example email is below (the site name in this case is smcculley-explorer - Stuart McCulley Explorer)


Example Enrollment email:

Subject: smcculley-explorer - Stuart McCulley Explorer: Enrollment Confirmation Brock

Hi Stuart,

You have been enrolled in smcculley-explorer - Stuart McCulley Explorer in Brock University's Brightspace instance.

To access smcculley-explorer - Stuart McCulley Explorer, log into Brock University's Brightspace instance using your username __________ and password, then select Stuart McCulley Explorer from your list of courses.

You can learn more about Managing Your Brocku Account on the Information Technology Services website.

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 2:18 PM EDT



Add Existing Users - Gives the option to search in various places in Brightspace. All the options are checked by default, and Search Type is set to “Contains” to offer the broadest search possible. Changes should only be made if instructors wish to narrow their search.

Once a participant is found, click the checkbox next to their name, assign a Role and Section, then click the Enroll Selected Users button.

Once enrolled, participants can be added to any other section by either re-doing the process and changing the section (this will keep them enrolled in both sections), or instructors can use the Sections tool. Learn more about the Sections tool here:

Removing Participants

Participants can be removed from the site by clicking the checkbox next to their name in the Classlist area and selecting Unenroll at the top of the list.

Classlist Communication Options


Brightspace offers the ability to email participants from directly within the site.

It is currently set up from an organization level that students are unable to respond to these emails (the email is sent from a do-not-reply email address), so if instructors wish to open a dialogue with a student over email it is recommended that the conversation be taken outside of Brightspace. Alternatively, there are some interesting communication options for 1-on-1 dialogue with students in the area of Brightspace.

Both instructors and TAs can use the email functions in the Classlist area. They can either click the Email Classlist button at the top of Classlist to email the entire list of participants, or they can select specific participants to reach out to by selecting the checkbox next to their name and clicking the Email icon.

In both cases, Instructors/TAs will have a second window open that allows them to compose and send an email.

Instant Message

Instant Message is a form of communication in Brightspace. It opens a text conversation between Instructor/TA and whomever they choose in the Classlist. A message can be sent to single or multiple individuals by clicking the checkbox next to their name and clicking Instant Message. The message will be received through their Message Alerts function (in the mini navbar at the top of Brightspace) individually by each of them as a one-on-one conversation with the instructor or TA.

Learn more about Instant Messages here:



Please contact CPI at with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.