

Some instructors may find that they wish to create assessments that students can take over and over again to test their knowledge. While Quizzes can provide a suitable home for these types of assessments, Brightspace offers an alternative with the Self-Assessments tool.

What are Self-Assessments?

Self-Assessments are much like Quizzes. They are able to import questions from the Question Library, and are set up to allow students to repeat the questions an unlimited amount of time. The students can receive automatic feedback that is associated with the questions if instructors have provided any.

Self-Assessments do not save attempts, and instructors cannot see a student’s results on a self-assessment, they can only see if a student has completed a self-assessment.

Learn more about Self-Assessments on CPI’s Brightspace FAQ site.

Where are Self-Assessments?

Self-Assessments are can be found through Course Tools > Course Admin > Self-Assessments. If instructors intend on letting students use self-assessments in their course, they will need to add self assessments to the course navbar. This will require editing the navbar.

Creating a Self-Assessment

  1. In the self-assessments area, select the New Self-Assessment button.

  2. Choose a name for the assessment.

    1. Select any other desired options (Hints, shuffling questions, etc.)

  3. Click Save and Close.

  4. Upon saving, click the drop-down arrow next to the self-assessment and select Edit from the drop-down menu.

  5. Above the General heading, select the Add/Edit Questions button.

  6. Select Import > Question Library to pull questions from the Question library.

  7. Click the Done Editing Questions button, and then Save and Close to finish.

  8. Add the Self-Assessments link to the navbar so students can access them.


Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.