How to add an Integrity Pledge as a Quiz
An integrity pledge can be used as a way of having students commit to properly attempt and complete a quiz while adhering to Brock’s expected academic principles and behaviours.
Brock’s statement on Academic Integrity, examples of quiz question language, and further details can be found from Brock University Academic Integrity information and by contacting Ana Cassamali, Brock’s Academic Integrity Manager.
Create a Quiz to control access to other site contents
There is no built-in way to quickly add an integrity pledge to a Brightspace quiz. The closest “automated” option you can get is by using a Release Condition (from the Availability Dates & Conditions sub-menu when editing an Assignment or Quiz). The simplest approach is to create a Quiz with a single question where students must achieve a perfect score, and where access to future quizzes or assignments (or even a Content item) is governed by that result.
Of course, the Quiz could standalone and be tracked and recorded by the instructor for a site-wide agreement.
Once set up, you'll have an Integrity Pledge in the form of a quiz that you can easily copy to other courses.
Make a Quiz
First, create a quiz where students must accept the pledge. It would most likely contain a question asking students to review Brock’s Academic Integrity policy, and then answer “Yes” or “No” if they have reviewed it and understand.
The quiz should be scored out of 1 in the Grade Out Of area.
Keep the quiz detached from gradebook by leaving it as Not in Gradebook.
Depending on whether the integrity pledge is being used once, is attached to an asynchronous quiz, or is attached to a synchronous quiz, the Start and End dates can be adjusted to make the quiz available at a certain time.
In the Evaluation and Feedback menu, keep “Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion” on. This is required to activate the release condition in the following assessment.
Add a Release Condition
If you wish to use the pledge to control student access to subsequent learning tools (assignments, quizzes, or content items), you can create a Release Condition within that object.
Find the Availability Dates & Conditions options (or a simplified version of them) in the editor window of the assessment.
Select the condition type as “Score on a quiz”
Select the integrity pledge quiz and set the criteria as a score of 100%.
When finished, the restriction will appear under Availability Dates and Conditions. A little branching path symbol will appear next to any assessment with a release condition.
Lastly, place the Integrity Pledge Quiz somewhere that students will see it before they get to the Assignment or Quiz for which it is a requirement. Existing Brightspace items (including Quizzes, Surveys, etc.) can be easily added to any content text box, forum post, announcement, etc. using the “Insert Quicklink” button. Learn more from the Page article.
Your end result could have the Integrity Pledge quiz linked in a content item, or it could be a section of an Page linking students to the Academic Integrity information relevant to them, as well as instructions to go to the Quizzes tab to complete the Integrity Pledge quiz.
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