Create an Assignment

Create an Assignment

Instructors create and manage Assignments through the dedicated tool. It is also possible to duplicate existing Assignments and even copy them to different course sites.

The Create New option in the Content area links to the Assignment creation options and will automatically embed the result within a Content module. Alternatively, the Add Existing option can be used to link an already created Assignment.

Create an Assignment via Assignment Tool

Create an assignment in the Assignments tool via the New Assignment button.

Screenshot of the new assignment button
Click on Assignments → New Assignment to start to create an assignment.

Create or link an Assignment in Content

Create an Assignment in Content via Create New and then Assignment.

Screenshot of the Create New button in Content
The Create New button in the top-right corner of a Content item.

The Add Existing option will provide options for linking to existing Assignments.

Screenshot of the Content page where you link in the assignment
Click on Content → Create New → Assignment to create an assignment linked within Content.

Configure Assignment settings

  1. On the New Assignment page, enter the assignment Name, add the maximum Grade (optional), and add a Due Date if necessary.

    • A Due Date is the submission deadline of the assignment. Students can still submit after this date however submissions made after the due date will be marked as late, and late penalties might apply.

    • The End Date is the final date and time that the assignment will allow new submissions. Once the end date of the assignment has passed, users can no longer submit to that assignment folder for credit. Learn more about the End date in Availability Dates and Conditions.

  2. Select each of the right hand drop-down menus (Availability Dates & Conditions, Submission & Completion, and Evaluation & Feedback) to set the specific assignment parameters

Screenshot of the new assignment creation page
The Assignment configuration page.

Add Assignment Instructions

Use the instruction field outline assignment purpose, methods and tasks, using the Brightspace HTML editor.

Add text, attach resources, (i.e. videos, audio, gifs and other media files).

Select the Insert Stuff icon or the link icon to reuse or upload new resources to the assignment.

See HTML Editor for more details.

HTML Editor with Insert Stuff and Link icons highlighted
The Insert Stuff and Quicklinks buttons are highlighted in the HTML editor

Assignment Grade Options

Select Grade Out Of to assign a grade value and to review grading options.

Assignment editor with Grade Out Of box highlighted
Leaving an assignment Ungraded means there will be no means of applying a grade when going to evaluate it

Grading Options

  • Edit or Link to Existing means this assessment counts towards the final grade and will appear in the Grades tab

    • Assign to grades category (optional)

  • Not in Gradebook means the assessment does not count towards final course grade and will not appear in the Grades tab, but has an associated score

    • Likely use case: Study, practice, or for preliminary submissions.

  • Reset to Ungraded reverts the assessment to an ungraded item

Assignment editor with grading drop-down menu highlighted
We recommend linking the assignment to the grade book.

Availability Dates & Conditions

Availability Dates and Conditions drop-down menu
Availability Dates & Conditions allow instructors to tailor visibility of the assignment to specific students.
  • Set Start Date & End Date

    • Start Date: Earliest students can see an assignment

    • End Date: Last day students can see an assignment

Please note: The Start Date will not reveal the assignment to students if the assignment is hidden. Toggle the assignment to visible by selecting the Hidden toggle at the bottom of the editor. 

  • Enable and add additional Release Conditions

    • Restricts access to assignment until X criterion is met (similar to a prerequisite)

    • More about Release Conditions can be found at this link: Release Conditions

  • Add parameters for Special Access

    • Useful for all student accommodations, and releasing assignments only to a specific group of students

    • Select Manage Special Access to add accommodations

Submission & Completion Options

  • Determine the Assignment Type

    • Individual Assignment: students submit on behalf of themselves

    • Group Assignment: students submit on behalf of a group

      • For more information about Groups see this article: Groups

Submission and Completion drop-down menu
Submission and Completion allows instructors to set submission details for the assignment.
  • Add or associate an existing assignment Category

    • This is strictly an organizational feature to tailor the view of the assignment’s tool into categories it does not impact grading or the final grade

  • Set the Submission Type

    • File submission: Students submit a file attachment such as a PDF or Word document

    • Text submission: Students submit a text response through the HTML editor or attach a video via the insert stuff button.

    • On paper submission: Students submit a hardcopy of their work in person. No submission online but grades can still be distributed through the Assignments tool

    • Observed in person: Students present work in person. No submission online but grades can still be distributed through the Assignments tool

  • Determine the max Files Allowed Per Submission

    • Unlimited: students can submit multiple attachments per submission

    • One file: students can only submit one attachment per submission

  • Outline the Allowable File Extensions

    • Students must upload specific file types, options include: PDF, Annotatable files (File types supported by annotation), Files that can be previewed without conversion (e.g., HTML, BMP), Images and Videos, Custom File Types, Compatible with Turnitin.

  • Set the parameters for attempted Submissions

    • All submissions are kept: Students can resubmit an unlimited amount of times until the End Date and instructors can view all submissions

    • Only one submission allowed: Students can only submit one time

    • Only the most recent submission is kept: Students can resubmit an unlimited amount of times until the End Date and instructors can only view the most recent submission

  • Add a Notification Email for completed submissions

Evaluation & Feedback

Evaluation and Feedback drop-down menu
Evaluation and Feedback allows instructors to tailor the evaluation process of the assignment.
  • Rubrics: select Add Rubric to attach an existing rubric or to create a new rubric

  • Learning Objectives: select Manage Learning Objectives to attach existing learning objectives to the assessment

  • Annotation Tools: this feature allows Instructors to provide in-line feedback, we recommend enabling this feature for a more efficient and effective grading process.

  • Anonymous Marking: this feature cannot be disabled once submissions have been made, after grading is complete and feedback is published, usernames are revealed to the instructor and the assignment is no longer anonymous

  • Evaluators: This feature cannot be disabled once submissions have been made, instructors can set what evaluators are able to do when grading and providing feedback to submissions.

  • Turnitin Integration: select Manage Turnitin to outline Turnitin similarity checking settings, ensure you read through ALL settings as some of the defaults have changed with this new integration

Review Assignment Details and Save

Once all assessment details are reviewed, toggle the visibility indicator to make the assignment accessible to students on the chosen start date and time. Then select Save and Close to save the assignment.

By default, Assignments are invisible and must be made visible in order for them to become available on the start date/time (the start date/time will not trigger the visibility of the assignment alone)

Save and Close, Save, Cancel, and Hidden toggle with hidden toggle highlighted
Visibility can also be toggled after the assignment is closed using the drop-down arrow next to the assignment name.

Assignments can be edited after being published. However, do this with caution, especially when Turnitin is enabled. Please contact edtech@brocku.ca for more info.


Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.