Text/HTML Editor
The Brightspace Editor integrates with all D2L Brightspace Learning Environment tools that have HTML content creation capabilities. For example, the HTML Editor is available when you edit discussion topics, create custom instructions for assignment folders, or create content topics.
Access the Brightspace Editor
The Brightspace editor appears in multiple tools and content areas within your Brightspace course. Below are some examples of where you can access the editor:
Using an Page in the Content area
Adding instructions for an Assignment, Quiz, etc.
Adding a description for a file, link, video, etc.
Posting a Discussion topic or reply
Sending Emails from your Classlist
Editing Widgets from your Course Homepage
Text Formatting
Strikethrough, Superscript, or Subscript text
While bold, italic, and underline are easily accessible from the main toolbar, there are additional text format options available.
Add Heading Styles
Use heading styles to structure your text and make your content more accessible for students using screen readers.
Font Colour
Text can be changed to any colour. Please keep in mind Accessibility and UDL Principles if you’re changing text colour.
Change Text Alignment
Users are able to manipulate the alignment of the text based on their needs.
Add a Bulleted or Numbered List
The list tool allows for the creation of different lists. Users also have the ability to increase and decrease the indent on listed items to align them with other sections.
Additions in the Text Editor
Add Page Dividers
Page dividers can be a helpful tool to separate blocks of text or varying pieces of content.
Add Emojis
While some may not consider them “professional”, emojis and similar symbols add a small visual element to what could otherwise be a bland text block of content.
Add Equations
The Graphical Equation Editor enables users to insert mathematical equations within the Brightspace Editor. It supports the input of MathML, LaTeX, graphical, and chemistry equations.
Insert Code Snippets
With coding knowledge, users can spice up their content with various learning objects and content-structuring not normally supported by the basic Brightspace text-editor.
Insert Symbols
Symbols include special characters such as currency, Latin, arrows, and more.
Embed Multimedia
Insert an Image
Images can be a great way to break up text in a content space, as well as providing visual aid to learning material. Please add alternative text if the image isn’t decorative.
Insert a QuickLink
Quicklinks are direct links to existing files or activities in your Brightspace course that can be inserted anywhere the Brightspace Editor appears (descriptions, announcements, discussion forums, etc.). For example, you could insert Quicklinks into a module description to link to assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, etc.) that you would like your students to complete for that particular week/module. Quicklinks can enhance course navigation and help make your course files/activities easier for students to find.
Note: It is recommended to use the Quicklink tool instead of copying and pasting a URL link. Quicklinks will continue to work if your content is exported or copied to another course.
Insert Media Library Video/Audio Files
The Media Library can be accessed from the cog icon next to one’s profile in the top right hand corner of Brightspace. Video and audio files can be uploaded there and then linked through the HTML Editor via the steps below. See more about the Media Library here: Media Library
Insert a File from Your Computer
It is possible to embed certain files from your computer directly into the text-editor. This is done with use of the Insert Stuff tool.
Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.