Course Builder
Course Builder enables instructors to build a course outline, create and edit course materials and assignments, manage grades and learning objectives, all from one central location using a drag-and-drop interface. Instructors have much more freedom to experiment with their course content structure from Course Builder as opposed to using the Content area.
Where is Course Builder?
To reach Course Builder, navigate to Course Tools → Course Admin from the navbar.
Course Builder can be found within Course Admin.
Course Builder Interface
Upon visiting Course Builder, instructors encounter a screen similar to this:
If there was already content created in the Content area, the Course Builder would reflect that:
There is a welcome page with some helpful tools and tips. If it doesn’t appear upon entering Course Builder, it can be accessed by clicking Welcome Page in the drop-down menu next to the course name.
Tool and Function Walk-through
One of the most confusing aspects of the Course Builder in relation to other areas of Brightspace is its use of outdated terminology. Some examples of Course Builder terminology and its Content area-equivalents are listed below.
Draft = Hidden
Published = Visible
Module = Can be referring to a Unit, Lesson, or Folder based on where it falls in the course hierarchy. A module is simply a placeholder for one of the three
Course Builder takes advantage of a drag-and-drop interface. Instructors can build a course structure quicker than if they were using the Content area.
Build Outline
The Build Outline contains drag-and-drop tools to build the course. It is found on the left-hand side of the Course Builder area.
Create a Module - Used as a placeholder for Units, Lessons, and Folders. Once dragged and dropped into the course structure, instructors are prompted to provide a name. They are also given the option to provide notes on the module (what it is used for, what will be stored within it, etc.), as well as set Availability Dates.
There is no way to edit the description for the module in the Course Builder, this will have to be done after the fact in the Content area.
Link Placeholder - Can be inserted within a module to reserve a spot for various online resources.
File Placeholder - Can be inserted within a module to reserve a spot for files used in the course, such as PDFs, presentations, overviews, syllabi, etc.
Activity Placeholders - Used to reserve spots for links to various Brightspace activities (discussions, assignments, quizzes). Instructors will be able to choose a name for the activity as well as outline any notes they have for themselves on that particular resource.
Add Content
The Add Content area contains content icons that can be dragged into the previous placeholders. These tools allow for the content to be developed in the Course Builder. The Add Content menu is found on the left-hand side of the Course Builder below Build Outline.
Instructors will be prompted to create and enter the various information for each item upon clicking them or dragging them into their location on the course structure. In this way, instructors are essentially able to construct their entire course from the Course Builder area.
Browse Tools
Browse Tools gives instructors the ability to navigate to various areas of Brightspace without having to leave the Course Builder. They can make important changes to assignments, quizzes, grade items, and more.
While handy, the menus in Browse Tools are not as intuitive as visiting the actual tools themselves.
Editor Window
When clicking on a module, placeholder, or content item, an editor window pops up on the right-hand side of the Course Builder area. From there, instructors are able to edit the various items, as well as record notes for themselves on the function and purpose of said items.
Depending on the content item selected, instructors may also be prompted to upload files, edit notes, or edit the actual content item.
Sometimes the editor window disappears and becomes inaccessible upon clicking a content item, clicking the main course module and then clicking back on the content item. To bring back the Editor Window, refresh the page.
Changing Units, Lessons, and Folders
Course Builder does have an important advantage over the Content area in Brightspace. In the Course Builder, instructors can change Units, Lessons, and Folders from one into the other simply by dragging them into different positions on the hierarchy in a slightly more efficient manner. This is particularly useful if you are rearranging in bulk quantities, as it provides a better view of all of your content at once. Changing folder types in the Content area is not possible at this time.
So, if an instructor were to run into a situation where they wanted a folder of materials to become a lesson, they could pop into the Course Builder and drag-and-drop the folder into it’s new place in the course structure.
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