Quizzes and test taking

This page contains information related to the Quizzes tool and test taking in Brightspace. If you are experiencing a technical issue while attempting a quiz, please contact your instructor.

How do I take a quiz?  

  1. Go to the Quizzes tool in the navigation bar.

  2. Click on the quiz you wish to take.

  3. Review the instructions and quiz details.

  4. Click Start Quiz to begin.

If your quiz is not visible or you are unable to start the quiz, it may not be available to you yet. Consult your instructor for quiz availability.

How do I view quiz feedback?  

  1. Go to the Quizzes Tool in the NavBar.

  2. Click on the quiz or quiz attempt you wish to view feedback for.

  3. Click View Feedback.

The feedback available is dependent on what your instructor has specified. Correct answers, your answers, and marks per question, may or may not be visible. For further feedback contact your TA or instructor.

Can I retake a quiz? 

You can only retake a quiz if your instructor allows multiple attempts. This will be specific in the Quiz instructions and summary on the start page before you begin the quiz attempt.

If one attempt is allowed you will not be able to retake the quiz. If the quiz has closed or there are extenuating circumstances, please contact your TA or instructor.

What do I need to know about taking tests/quizzes online?  

Refer to our recommended practices page for tips on taking online quizzes.


Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.