

This page contains information related to the Assignments tool and file submission in Brightspace. Contact your instructor if you are experiencing technical issues while uploading files.

How do I submit an assignment?

  1. Go to Assignments in the navigation bar of a course site.

  2. Click on the assignment title to which you want to submit.

  3. Read any submission requirements your instructor has specified.

  4. Upload the document(s) or media you are submitting.

  5. Add any required information or details in the comments box.

  6. Click Submit. You will be presented with a submission summary page along with a confirmation email.

How do I submit a video assignment?

There are several options for uploading and embedding external files and media. Find more information in this guide to submitting videos in Brightspace.

How do I submit a group assignment?

Only one group member needs to upload and Submit the document(s) or enter the information required on behalf of a group. All group members will see the submission in their Assignments list.

  • Navigate to the assignment page through the Assignments tool in the navigation bar, or

  • Go to the Groups tool under Course Tools in the navigation bar and then click on the assignment title in the row of your group.

If multiple submissions are allowed, other group members can submit additional files. Refer to your instructor's requirements to determine if one or multiple submissions are required/allowed.

Can I re-submit an assignment?

Resubmission is only possible if your instructor has set the Assignment parameters to allow for it. If enabled, you will simply be able to submit again from the Assignment page. If not, you will have to speak with your instructor to inquire about other options.

Can I delete an assignment submission?

No, but you may have the ability to submit more than one item through resubmission.

Are all of my submissions kept if I am allowed multiple submissions?

It depends on the settings of the assignment specified by your instructor. The assignment description will specify if only the most recent or all submissions are kept. If unsure, refer to your course syllabus or instructor.

How do I know if I submitted my work successfully?

If you have submitted your assignment successfully, you will see:

  1. An immediate Summary page.

  2. A confirmation email.

  3. A submission in the Completion Status column of the assignment.

How do I view assignment feedback?

Go to Assignments in the navigation bar. Grades or feedback will appear in the Evaluation Status column once the assignment has been marked and/or feedback is available. The amount of feedback and level of detail is dependent on your instructor and TA.

Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.