Analytic Rubrics

Analytic Rubrics

Analytic rubrics template feedback with multiple criteria and multiple levels of achievement. The result is a grid that includes targeted, specific details about criteria for evaluation. Analytic rubrics tend to break down the whole into constituent parts. The analytic rubric can be highly diagnostic but it can also be rigid.

Analytic rubrics can be scored using text, points, and custom points. When editing rubrics, changes are saved in real time. When finished creating or editing, click Close to exit the editor screen.

Creating an Analytic Rubric

  1. In the Edit Rubric screen Type: Analytic.

  2. Enter the criteria you intend to assess against, one on each line of the rubric, replacing the Criterion 1, Criterion 2, and so on placeholder text. If you need more criteria than the three rows on the template, click Add Criterion. Analytic rubrics may use a points, custom points, or text only scoring method.

  3. Define levels/ratings on the rubric in the header at the top of each column. The template contains four levels; however you can add more to the left or right of the existing levels using the + buttons on the level heading row. Depending on the type of scoring you choose, you can also define the points for each level or for each criterion. Changing the points in the fields at the top of the page will result in the denominator changing in the farthest column to the right.

  4. Clicking on the Add Criteria Group allows for different numbers of levels/rating and different denominators in the right column. In other words, the criteria can be framed and customized with different levels/ratings and different rating scores.

  5. Overall Score is required for analytic rubrics. The Overall Score can be constructed as a Complete/Incomplete structure or it can reflect an overall assessment of the rating in the system above.

  6. Set the Rubric Status in the top right. (See Rubrics | About Rubric status options for more details on status)

  7. Select and additional options.

  8. Remember to Name the Rubric and include a description for your reference. Then Close to exit the editor.

Example Analytic Rubric

This sample rubric is viewed from the Edit screen.

Analytic rubric with 4 levels of grading. There are sections named Knowledge, Recognition and Basic Comprehension, Analysis, Application and Synthesis, and Conventions (spelling, grammar, word choice, word limit, citations)



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