HTML Documents

HTML/text documents are the primary text editor for course content creation. When building content in here, please be aware of UDL principles and accessibility and make design decisions accordingly.

HTML Documents are also used for the embedding of various file types (PDFs, YouTube videos, Echo360 videos, etc.). Please see more at

How to Create HTML Documents

Begin by selecting a unit, lesson, or folder that you wish the HTML Document to reside in. From there, select the Create New button and choose HTML Document.

View of Content area with Unit, Lesson, Folder, and Create New button highlighted
Create New creates the item in whatever folder was selected

Below is the layout of an HTML Document as it appears when first opened.

HTML Document editor with Page Content title highlighted in red box
HTML Document Layout.

The HTML Document has a text box for content called Page Content. This text box is different from the Description text boxes seen when editing Units/Lessons/Folders in the content area. Page Content is better suited for lesson and lecture materials and content, while the Description text boxes in Units/Lessons/Folders are best used for summaries, to-do lists, etc. Navigate to to learn more about Units/Lessons/Folders.


Name - At the top of the page is the option to choose the name for the document. This will appear in the Content area.

Due Date - Below the name, instructors are given the option to set a Due Date. If a Due Date is set, the course item will appear in the course Calendar.

Availability Dates and Conditions - To the far right are Availability Dates and Conditions, which gives the instructor the option to set a Start Date and End Date. The Start and End Dates determine when the document will become available for students to see and interact with, as well as when it will subsequently disappear.

Select Template - Allows instructors to choose from pre-made HTML templates to input content into. The templates can be very helpful for conveying information in a similar and cohesive manner across an entire course.

Page Content - The bulk of the possibilities with the HTML Document are fulfilled in Page Content. See below for more.

Page Content - Text-Editor

Page Content is the text-editor section of the HTML document that users will be familiar with. It shares many similarities with other word processors with some notable additions/changes. For more information about the Text-Editor, see

Basic Word Processing Tools


From left to right, top to bottom:

Text Format - Allows you to change text from header, to paragraph, etc.

Bold/Italics/Underline - Basic text editing tools for changing the visual of text. Includes a drop-down arrow with more options.

Text Painter - Allows you to choose and set the colour of text. Be sure to consider UDL principles and accessibility before changing the colour of text.

Text-Align - Choose the alignment of the text in the text box.

List tool - Gives the ability to place text in a bulleted or numbered list. Also allows for increasing and decreasing indents.

Font - Change the font of the text. The default is Verdana.

Font-Size - Change the size of the text. The default is 12pt.

Format Painter - Set the formatting of one block of text to another.

Undo & Redo - Undo and/or redo any changes in the text box.

Insertion Tools


From left to right:

Insert Stuff - The Insert Stuff tool has many different possibilities. Please visit to learn more.

Quicklink - The Quicklink tool gives instructors the ability to create a link to various activities, assessments, and content both within and outside of Brightspace.

Image - Instructors are given the option to insert an image from their Computer, a URL, or their Course Files.

Other Insert Options - Shown as a plus sign with a drop-down arrow, Other Insert Options allows instructors to insert Equations, Tables, Attributes, a content Divider, Emoji, Symbols, and Code.

Other Features

From left to right, top to bottom:

Full-screen - The text-editor takes up the full screen, allows for a bigger view. Click the icon again to shrink it back.

Accessibility Checker - Assesses the content of the text-editor for accessibility. While this is a helpful tool, please do not solely rely on it to meet accessibility standards.

Word Count - Displays the word count in the text-editor.

Preview - Shows a preview of the content in the text-editor.

Source Code - Hop into the HTML source code to change how the text-editor works. Only recommended for programmers or those with experience with HTML, Javascript, and CSS coding.

Edit an already-existing HTML Document

There are times when it may be prudent to edit/rearrange/update an existing HTML Document in the Brightspace Content area. To edit an HTML Document, select it in the content area, and then click the Editor tool (3 dots) in the upper far right-hand corner of the screen.

Then, select Edit, you will be brought back to the text-editor to make any changes you see fit.



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