Turnitin Similarity Check

Turnitin Similarity Check

Turnitin is a phrase-matching tool that can be used to evaluate student academic work for originality. It compares submitted text against a database of academic sources and web content and highlights any instances of matching or similar text in a detailed report that includes a percentage of similarity, a list of matching sources, and the actual text passages that match published works. The software is commonly used to assess student work authenticity and promote academic integrity.

As noted in Section 10.4 of the Brock University Faculty Handbook, "students must be informed in writing at the beginning of the course if phrase matching software such as Turnitin is to be used”.

Adding Turnitin to an Assignment

  1. Go to the Assignments tool on the course site.

  2. Select the New Assignment button or edit an existing assignment.

  3. In the Assignment settings under the Evaluation & Feedback tab select the Manage Turnitin link.

Screenshot of the assignment settings with Turnitin Integration highlighted
The Turnitin options are available under Evaluation & Feedback when editing an Assignment.

Adjust Turnitin settings

Click Manage Turnitin to review the default Turnitin settings or make adjustments.

CPI’s recommended settings are emphasized below.

  1. Turn on Turnitin phrase matching by selecting Enable Similarity™ check for this folder

  2. Select Allow learners to see similarity scores in their submission folder so students can review their similarity reports.

  3. Submissions checked:

    1. Automatic similarity checking on all submissions - all submissions are checked automatically

    2. Identify individual submissions for similarity checking - instructor identifies specific submissions that should be checked

  4. Select Save or select More Options to review advanced Turnitin Integration settings.


Turnitin Integration settings. Described in adjacent text.
Turnitin Integration settings.



More Setting Options


Submissions Settings

  • Determine to where papers will be submitted and held. This will depend on the assessment’s intentions and the type of file. It may be ideal for a draft document to not be submitted and stored anywhere (the third option), so that future submissions do not match against it.

    • Standard paper repository, Institution paper repository, or Do not store the submitted papers.

  • The next options are unavailable as they are overruled by the actual Brightspace Assignment settings.

Similarity Report

  • Select when and how the Similarity Reports are to be generated. The options cannot actually restrict submissions as that is determined by the Brightspace Assignment settings. The choices only determine when the report is generated (immediately or on the Due Date).

  • Certain types of material can be excluded from similarity matching, although it is always possible to do so once a report has been generated.

  • The Exclude small sources option will allow for a word or percentage threshold to be set.

Compare against

  • Choose which databases the new submission will be compared against.

Exclude assignment template

  • Instructors can upload a template or create a custom template document exclude specific assignment formatting from being flagged, e.g. question prompts in a take-home exam.

Additional Settings

  • Save the Turnitin settings as the default configurations for subsequent Assignments via Save these settings for future use.

Acceptable File Types for Submission

  • Microsoft Word

  • PowerPoint

  • WordPerfect

  • PDF

  • PostScript

  • OpenOffice (ODT)

  • Hangul (HWP)

  • Plain text files (i.e. textbox submissions)

  • HTML

  • RTF

  • Google Docs

    • (submitted via the Google Drive submission option), contact edtech@brocku.ca for details

Turnitin Integration works for files sized 100MB and smaller.

Files of larger size may be reduced in size by removal of non-text content or compressing the PDF. Files that are password protected, encrypted, hidden, system files, or read only files cannot be uploaded or submitted to Turnitin. Read more here, File requirements (turnitin.com).


Please contact CPI at edtech@brocku.ca with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.