Create or Edit a Survey
This page provides an overview on how to create your first survey. Unique to the Surveys tool is the Likert scale style question. Remember that surveys are not assessment tools and are intended to be used as a tool for acquiring feedback or opinions from students.
Creating a New Survey
To create a new survey:
Navigate to Course Tools > Surveys.
On the Manage Surveys tab, click New Survey.
Enter a Name for the survey. A new survey can be saved once a name has been entered.
Decide if instant feedback or anonymous results are desired.
If make results anonymous is selected, this option is NOT REVERSIBLE, and release conditions cannot be specified.
Add questions to the survey.
Create/Add Survey Questions
Survey questions can either be created new from scratch, or added from the Question Library. Question libraries can share questions between Self-Assessments, Quizzes, and Surveys. For more on Question libraries see the Question Library page.
Click Add/Edit Questions to open the questions wizard.
Select New and choose from the variety of questions. Survey Sections can be added under New as well. Sections divide up groups of questions in the survey.
To add questions from a Question Library, select Browse Question Library.
Once new question has been created or existing questions imported, they will now be a part of the survey. After adding all questions, review the numbering/order in the Create/Edit Questions wizard and select Done Editing Questions in the top right to exit the questions wizard.
After adding questions to the survey and exiting the questions wizard, a box will appear in the bottom right after the last question called Branching Wizard. This button opens the survey branching wizard. For those unfamiliar with survey branching please refer to the Branching Wizard page for additional information.
The Likert Style Question
Unique to the Surveys Tool is the Likert Scale (LIK) question type. There are a number of different scale options to choose from.
Enter a title if desired and enter the Introductory Text (ie. “Rate your agreement with the following statements from 1 - strongly disagree to 5 - strongly agree…”)
Images can be added to the LIK and alternative text can be added to the image included.
Select the desired Scale from the options listed below.
check the Include an N/A option box to include a not applicable answer option.
At the bottom of the LIK question editor is where the questions or statements to be rated are entered.
Additional options can be added one at a time (enter “1”) or in multiples (ie. enter “5”). In the Value box, enter the question or statement text.
The image below demonstrates the relationship between the editor boxes and question format.
Statements must be re-ordered manually by changing which box contains the statement text in the editor.
Optional question feedback can be included by expanding the question feedback section. This is standard feedback that will not be unique to each user's answers.
Description/Submission Message
The description message is shown at the start of the survey in addition to the survey title. This message can include information about the survey (such as expected time to complete) or instructions on how to complete the survey. The Description is optional but recommended and must be activated by selecting the On option. Text or context can be specified using the built in HTML editor.
The Submission Message informs users that the survey has been completed and submitted. This message is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. The default Submission Message is: “You have successfully submitted the survey”. If a customized Submission Message is specified, the default message will not appear. Text or context can be specified using the built in HTML editor.
Page Footer
The Page Footer is shown at the bottom of each page of the survey. By default the footer is Off unless enabled by selecting the ON option. Text or context can be specified using the built in HTML editor.
Under the Restrictions tab availability, release conditions, user responses, and special access can be configured. By default the survey will be hidden from users. While hidden, availability can still be set but the survey cannot be added to the calendar unless visible to students (un-check hidden from users).
User responses is a setting unique to Surveys. When Attempts Allowed is set to:
unlimited, users can take and submit the survey as many times as they want, while each attempt is recorded separately.
single attempt that is editable, users have a single attempt at the survey that they can re-access to edit their responses as long as the survey remains available to them (ie. the end date has not passed, or the owner has not yet closed the survey to responses).
limited, users can only take the survey a specified numbers of times. Each attempt is recorded separately.
Video tutorial
Prefer to watch a video tutorial? Here’s a link to D2L’s Surveys - Create a Survey - Instructor - YouTube video!
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