Creating / Adding Awards
Instructors can create and add awards and certificates to be used in their sites. This can be done from the Awards tool (Accessible via navbar > Course Tools > Awards). Read more about Awards.
Once learners have received an award, changes to the award (often made by the course instructor), will result in email notifications to awardees unless they have opted out of receiving course-based notifications in their Brightspace profile.
Creating Awards
Navigate to the Awards tool.
Select the Course Awards tab.
Select the Add Award to Course button.
Select the Create button.
Create a Name, Description, and the Criteria required to receive the award.
Choose whether the award will be a badge or certificate. Keeping in mind that the main difference between the two is a certificate creates a printable PDF, whereas a badge does not.
Choose Availability. Set whether the award is available across all your courses or to other award creators and their courses.
Instructors will always have access to the awards they created, the availability option sets how easy it is for other instructors to use awards they have created. The award can be restricted just to one course by selecting Make this award available to other award creators and their courses, and then selecting the checkbox Restrict award to [Course Name] and its child org units.
Set the Expiry of the award. There are options for setting a fixed expiry date, or for a relative expiry date based on when the award is earned.
Choose an Award image. Brightspace has a large list of icons that can be seen by clicking on From Existing Library. Images can also be uploaded by selecting Upload New Icon.
If the award type is a Certificate, choose a Certificate template. There are currently two sample options to choose from.
Update the Issuer Contact information. The Issuer Name and URL will be pre-populated with Brightspace information, but the instructor will need to input their own email for the Issuer Contact. This information appears on the award itself.
Choose whether to use the award in the course it is being built in by selecting the checkbox next to Use this award in [Course Name] now.
Select Save and Close
The award is now created, but it requires Release Conditions to be automated. This allows instructors to automatically use awards to track student progress.
Adding Existing Awards
Awards created by the instructor previously or from other Brightspace users are accessible via the Awards tool. Instructors can browse or search for a relevant award created by a peer for their own course.
Navigate to the Awards tool.
Select the Course Awards tab.
Select the Add Award to Course button. Brightspace will pull up a list of all the awards that have been made public by other users. From here, instructors can scroll and search for awards that have already been created that may fit the criteria that they are looking for.
Select the Show Only Awards I Created checkbox on the right side of the page to filter the search to show only those created by yourself.
Once a relevant award is found, select the checkbox on the left side of the award, then scroll up to the top of the page and select the Add button.
Using Awards to Track Progress
Awards can be given Release Conditions (learn about Release Conditions from Release Conditions), which will allow awards to be automatically rewarded to students who meet the criteria of the release conditions. In this way, instructors can create awards that track student progression through a course.
Release conditions can be attached to awards by following the steps below:
Navigate to the Awards tool.
Select the Course Awards tab.
Scroll down to an award in the course that will be given release conditions, select Edit Properties.
Under Release Conditions, select the Create button.
Select the drop-down menu under Condition Type, choose a release condition from the list. Some notable options are completing a checklist, submitting to an assignment folder, or completing a quiz.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all the desired release conditions are chosen.
If multiple release conditions are selected, select the drop-down menu next to the Create button to choose whether all release conditions must be met to receive the award, or if any of them must be met.
Select the Save button upon finishing.
Instructors can track student progress by using awards with appropriate release conditions as milestones throughout the course. Awards students have received can be viewed in the Classlist Awards tab in the Awards area.
Selecting an award a student has earned will give instructors more detailed info on the award.
In this manner, instructors can create awards, and then view student progression in the course via the Classlist Awards space.
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