Class Progress
The Class Progress tool allows instructors to oversee how their students are interacting with the course site and the activities/assessments therein. It is important to note that Class Progress should not be misconstrued as a way to formally surveil student engagement, and is instead best used as a progress-tracker.
Students have the ability to see their own class progress, but not those of other students. Learn more about the student view of Class Progress from Student Class Progress (article in progress).
Landing Page
The default Class Progress view shows a list of students, along with 4 different criteria showing a summary of student activity in those areas:
System Access - Tracks the amount of times the student logs into Brightspace within the past 30 days. Hovering the mouse over the different bars in the graph will show system access points per day.
Content Completed - Tracks how many content items the student has visited. This does not include Units/Lessons/Folders they have clicked on. Learn more about content tracking and the benefit of placing content in HTML documents as opposed to the description area of a Unit/Lesson/Folder at Page.
Quizzing - Tracks student marks on quizzes they’ve taken. A percentage is displayed beneath the bar graph showing the student’s average quiz mark. Hovering the mouse over the different bars in the graph will give individual scores on quizzes.
Grades - Displays student’s grades on assessments in the form of a bar graph. A percentage is displayed beneath the bar graph showing the student’s final grade (if it has been released). Hovering the mouse over different bars in the graph will give details on the grade item name as well as the student’s mark.
By clicking on a particular student’s criteria information or name, instructors are shown a detailed view of the student’s entire class progress.
Changing default summary views
By clicking the Settings icon, located next to Help and the search bar, instructors can replace and/or move the default criteria displayed when entering the Class Progress area. Instructors can edit what criteria is displayed where by clicking the drop-down arrow next to each of the different criteria names and selecting Move up, Move down, or Replace. Other potential criteria to replace the defaults are summaries of Assignment activity, Checklist activity, Discussions activity, and Survey activity (there is also the option to view Learning Objective activity, but at this time CPI does not recommend using learning objectives until we know more about them).
Intelligent Agents
Class progress has a link above the list of students called Use agents to automate feedback. The link sends instructors to the Intelligent Agents tool in Brightspace, which can be used to automate feedback based on certain criteria. However, CPI recommends limiting emails sent out by intelligent agents, to avoid overwhelming student’s inboxes.
Learn more about intelligent agents from the Intelligent Agents article.
Individual Student Class Progress
The default page of the Progress Summary includes areas of various assessments/activities where instructors can quickly look at how the student has contributed to the course, as well as marks and feedback the instructor has provided them with. By selecting any of the areas, instructors are given a more detailed view of that particular assessment/activity.
Progress Summaries do not allow instructors to make changes or input marks, it is instead meant as a tool to oversee interactions on the course site, as well as track student progression through assessments.
When meeting with students one-on-one, it could be beneficial to open the student’s progress summary to discuss various activities/assessments in the course and their contribution to them.
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