Find a course site
Brightspace sites are generated automatically for all academic courses at Brock. Access to sites relies on membership with an official roster which is determined by instructor assignment or student course enrolment. Both instructors and students should inquire with Brock Central (the Office of the Registrar & Enrolment Services) for authoritative answers as to their enrolment status.
Use the My Courses area or the Select a course... menu to search for, or navigate directly to, a course site.
Find a site in the My Courses widget
Locate the My Courses widget on the Brightspace system homepage.
Use the tabs to show only course sites within the selected academic term.
Click a course tile to navigate directly to the course site.
A site’s status and course dates can be modified in Course Offering Information.
Using the Select a course… menu
Click the Select a course… icon (or waffle) near the top center of any Brightspace page.
The Search for a course and Advanced Search options are only available if a user has membership with more than 25 sites. A lower number will show a simplified list and it may be preferable to use the My Courses widget to find specific sites.
Use the Search for a course field to locate a course site based on key terms.
Click Advanced Search to open a more powerful set of options to locate a course site based on its academic term or your role within the course site.
Click the course title to navigate directly to the course site. The course code may help in identifying the correct version, if there are multiple.
Current or important sites can be pinned to the top of the course list to quickly locate later.
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Please contact CPI at with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.