Brightspace contains an email tool which allows instructors to reach out to their students from the platform itself. This is used most predominantly from the Classlist area.
Brightspace does have an Announcements tool, which is a separate entity from the Email function. Announcements allow instructors to create posts on their Brightspace course homepage that are also sent out as emails to students by default. However, students are able to turn off email notifications for Announcements, which means they are not 100% reliable in terms of making sure an email shows up in a student’s inbox.
Learn more about Announcements
Emailing from Classlist
Reaching out to Sections or Groups
Student Replies
Students can reply, but it comes from an ugly address (it turns into the instructor’s email during a response)
Email Settings
Explain how to access email settings from the Mail icon in the top of Brightspace, brief walk-through of various options including sending copy of sent emails to outlook box.
Student to Student Communication
Students can’t email each other, but they can IM, here’s a link to IM or whatever