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Instructors Brock instructors have the ability to create their own project sites for various purposes within Brightspace without needing help from CPIsites in Brightspace. These sites can serve various purposes such as non-scheduled teaching, department management or other group-based communication, templates, and sandbox or testing areas.

A dedicated widget makes creating a site quick and simple.


Table of Contents

Project Site



  1. Go to the Brightspace homepage at or by clicking the Brock logo in the top-left corner of any Brightspace site.

  2. Scroll down the page , there are two separate columns of widgets (tools in white boxes). Just below the Brock Updates widget is the Create Project Site Widget.

    Create Project Site widgetImage Removed

    Input to find the Create Project Site widget. This is available in the left column under both the Calendar and Brock University Updates sections.

    A screenshot showing the Create Project Site widget.Image Added
  3. Click the Create Project Site button and enter a title for the project site (This this can be changed anytime at a later datelater through Course Offering Information), as well as a term. No Term is an option for Project sites that are not tied to a specific term.

  4. Select Create, at which time the site will be created with the creator assigned as the instructor.

Additional instructors and participants
  1. site type. Click Next when finished.

    Screenshot of the Create Project Site widget showing the fields for choosing a site title and site type, with the options of Course Design Template, Projects and Training, and Unscheduled Instruction sites in a dropdown menuImage Added
  2. Confirm any choices and then click the Create Project Site button to proceed or Back to make changes.

  3. The site will appear immediately with the creator assigned as Instructor. Links will be provided to navigate directly to the new site’s Classlist and Homepage.

  4. The site can be found using the Course Selector (waffle icon) in the top-right of Brightspace, or the My Courses widget on the Brightspace homepage.

Additional notes on Project Sites

Additional instructors can be added through the site’s Add an Instructor or Teaching Assistant widget while participants or students can be added via the project site Classlist.


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Page TreerootQuizzesexpandCollapseAlltruestartDepth1. Contact for assistance with bulk enrollment.

Project sites are Active upon creation but can be hidden from enrolled users by deactivating through the site's Course Offering Information.