Import/Export/Copy Components from site to site
Moving course content from one site to another is quick and painless in Brightspace. It is managed entirely within the Import/Export/Copy Components tool found in Course Admin and can be performed by anyone with Instructor-level access.
While it is possible to export and compress entire site contents as files or import from other sources, the best practice is the recommended method of copying components through Brightspace, which will circumvent potential file issues that may occur when exporting/importing course packages.
Some imported items, namely Announcements, will not default to a draft or hidden state and it is recommended to only import or copy to Inactive sites. Past Announcements from an old site will still generate notifications in an active destination site.
Recommended Method: Copying Components from One Site to Another
While working in the new or upcoming course site:
Go to Course Tools [1] → Course Admin [2] → Import/Export/Copy Components.
Courser Admin in the default navbar.
Choose Copy Components from another Org Unit then Search for offering.
The options for Copy Components.
Search for the exact name of the originating site. This includes proper punctuation, as the search is very sensitive. Pay close attention to the “Offering Name” and “Semester” of the options that appear, to guarantee the right course site is chosen.
Choose between the options Copy All Components or Select Components. The latter will allow you to select specific items from the original site (e.g. a single quiz).
Content items that contain embedded YuJa videos must be accompanied by the material in the External Learning Tool Links section. This must be chosen if using Select Components.
Copy All Components will automatically include this information by default.
You will be presented with options to Offset Dates at this time, which may be useful in certain situations.
The process may take a minute or two for a large site.
Alternate method: File-based export and import
Copying content from one site to another can also be facilitated by exporting to .zip and then importing.
This method is not recommended for standard site transfer and may result in issues with file embeds and access permissions. It should only be used if the previously described Copying Components from one site to another method is unsatisfactory or when moving course material from another system or platform.
Other learning material file types, like SCORM packages, can be added to a Brock Brightspace site in this way.
Export Steps
Access the course site from which you wish to export content.
Select Course Tools in the navigation bar, choose Course Admin, and then select Import/Export/Copy Components.
Choose the Export as Brightspace Package radio button and then click the Start button.
On the Select Course Material page, choose the pieces of the course to be exported (Select All Components for everything) by checking their respective boxes. When finished, click Continue.
On the Confirm Components to Export page, review the items to be exported. Select Include course files in the export package to include any course files in the export package you are creating.
Click Export to begin the export process. A page indicating that the export has started will appear. Click the Done button to exit the page.
Once it finishes you will receive an Update Alert notification (an orange dot will appear on the bell icon near the top right of the screen). Click on the Update Alert notification and select the Export finished notification.
On the Export Summary page, click the blue Click here to download the export Zip package link to download the exported package to your device.
Once you have downloaded the file, click Done. The file you downloaded can now be imported into a different course page using the steps in the import section above.
Import Steps
In the destination course site, Select Course Tools in the navigation bar, choose Course Admin, and then select Import/Export/Copy Components.
Scroll down and select Import Components.
Click Start.
Select the file to upload and import. Find the exported Zip from the previous site.
Choose either Import All Components to import all file content or choose Advanced Options to choose specific components.
If you select Advanced Options, choose the components you want to import by checking the relevant boxes and then select Continue twice.
Once your content has imported, you can select View Content to see the items, import another course package using the Import Another Package button, or review and manage course dates by clicking Review and Manage Dates.
Please contact CPI at with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.