Add a TA or instructor to a site

A site owner (Instructor) can add a Teaching Assistant or co-instructor to their site at any time. The Add an Instructor or Teaching Assistant tool on a site’s homepage (described on this page) will facilitate this.

Students are added to course sites based on official roster data and any changes are synced daily at regular intervals. No adjustments in Brightspace are necessary.

Project site membership can be maintained through the Classlist (where students can be added). Refer to the main Classlist article for instructions.

Combining multiple rosters into a single site must be done by CPI. Contact for assistance.

Brightspace refers to all roster-based categories (labs, lectures, seminars, etc.) within a course as “Sections”. The steps below will add a new user to all Sections within a site. To add a user to a specific Section(s) (e.g. TAs who only oversee certain sections), follow the steps in .

Find the Add an Instructor or Teaching Assistant widget

The Add an Instructor or Teaching Assistant widget is available on all site homepages. Depending on the layout, you may have to scroll down.

Course homepage with the Course Home tab highlighted.
Click on the Course Home tab and scroll down on this page to find the Quick Add widget.
Screenshot of the Quick Add widget.
The Quick Add widget.


Enter the User’s Information and Add Them

Enter the Brock username (likely the first part of their email address) of the person you want to add and select their role: TA or Instructor. An Instructor has full editing powers in Brightspace, where a Teaching Assistant is limited to interacting with student work. You do not have the ability to further adjust permission levels in Brightspace.

Click the Add button to enroll the user in all sections of the site, then confirm their addition in the Classlist tool.

Please contact CPI at with any questions or comments about the contents of this site.