Students can submit their course work for grading and feedback via the Assignments tool on Brightspace. This tool keeps track of submission dates, Turnitin similarity reports, and graded rubrics. Depending on the assignment features students may upload documents, type in the textbox, or record audio or video for assessment.
For video instructions, please see Assignments - Submit and Confirm a Submission - Learner
Assignment Submission Instructions
If the assignment has Turnitin enabled, the file submitted is pre-validated at the time of submission to ensure it is within the Turnitin file type and size requirements.
If Online Grading or Similarity Report has been enabled, students can view their Submission ID within the Submission History page.
Depending on a student’s course settings, students may be able to view any rubrics which are used to evaluate their work directly on the submission page.
Due Dates and End Dates
A Due Date is the submission deadline of the assignment. Students can still submit after this date however submissions made after the due date will be marked as late, and late penalties might apply.
End Date is the final date and time that the assignment will allow new submissions. Once the end date of the assignment has passed, users can no longer submit to that assignment folder for credit.
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