Groups can have assignment or discussion workspaces automatically created for them as part of the group creation process. However, it is possible that groups are created after an assignment or discussion has been built. The article below explains how to assign pre-made assignments and discussions to groups.
Assignments can be tied to groups even after the groups have been created. This process begins in the Assignments area.
Edit the assignment that you wish to attach to the groups.
Navigate to the Submission & Completion drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the Assignment editor.
Change the assignment type to Group Submission, and choose the category of groups you’d like to assign the assignment to.
Upon completing editing the assignment and clicking Save and Close, the Category in the groups area should update, with the assignment now attached to the groups.
If a discussion area for groups is being created after the groups have already been made, there is a way to tie a new discussion Topic to the groups retroactively. It begins in the Discussions area.
Select a Forum or create a new one for the group Topic.
Click Add Topic for your desired forum.
In Topic editor, select Group or section topic, everyone can access this topic but students only see threads from their own group or section in the Topic Type area. You can then choose the group or section category to associate the topic with.
Upon completing editing the Topic and clicking Save and Close, the Category in the groups area should update, with the Topic now attached to the groups. Members of the group have the ability to start threads in this new group discussion.
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