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The Groups tool allows instructors to group up students in their course based on a number of parameters. Groups can have specific assignments assigned to them, their own discussion forums, and more. They are separate from course Sections.


Instructors have the option to manually choose who is in each group, automatically assign groups based on number of groups/number of people in groups, or allow learners to self-enroll in their own groups.


Groups have a maximum enrollment of 200 users. If there are more than 200 users in a course, you can create new group categories; there is no limit on the number of group categories in a course.

Table of Contents

How to Access Groups

Groups is accessible from Course Tools → Groups. It can also be accessed from Course Admin, learn more here: Course Administration

Course homepage with Course Tools and Groups highlightedImage Modified

Create a Category (Groups)

A category encompasses the groups. Instead of creating each group individually, a category is created which then creates and houses all the groups automatically.

1. Select the New Category button

Upon clicking the New Category button, a new page is opened where the category is made.

2. Choose a Name and Description for the category

Some common examples of category names are “Team Assignment”, “Reading Groups”, or Final Project Groups”. Being specific with the name will make sorting and filtering by categories easier later.

Category Name and Description boxes in New Category areaImage Modified

3. Choose an Enrollment type for the groups

Brightspace offers 7 different enrollment types for groups. Definitions for each are listed below.

List of enrollment typesImage Modified

# of Groups - No Auto Enrollments: Allows instructors to set how many groups there are, there is no limit to how many people per group. No Auto Enrollments means that instructors must manually assign each learner a group.

Groups of #: Allows instructors to set how many learners are in a group. The number of groups is automatically tailored to fit the maximum amount of people in the minimum amount of groups.

# of Groups: Allows instructors to set how many groups there are. Learners are sorted evenly across the number of groups chosen.

Groups of # - Self Enrollment: Allows instructors to set how many learners are in a group. Learners can then go to the Groups tab and sign up for the group they choose. There is no limit to how many groups can be created by the learners beyond the amount of learners in the class. For example, each learner could place themselves in their own group.

# of Groups - Self Enrollment: Allows instructors to set how many groups there are, there is no limit to how many people per group. Learners can then go to the Groups tab and sign up for the group they choose.

# of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrollment: Allows instructors to set how many groups there are, as well as how many people can be in them. Learners can then go to the Groups tab and sign up for the group they choose.

Single user, member-specific groups: This option creates individual groups for each learner. It exists as a way to set up 1-on-1 discussions between each learner and the instructor. See more at Discussions

Based on the enrollment type chosen, a few options will appear such as choosing the number of groups or number of learners per group.

4. Choose whether to restrict enrollment to a specific section

There is the option to restrict enrollment to a specific section on the course site. This is particularly helpful for merged courses, so different categories of groups can be created for each section.

Restrict Enrollments To optionImage Modified

5. Choose a Group Prefix

Groups can be affixed with the same prefix in their name when they are generated. It can be inputted here.

6. Set Advanced Properties

There are various options that appear in the Advanced Properties section based on the enrollment type chosen for the category.

# of Groups - No Auto Enrollments, Single user, member-specific groups

Make category and group descriptions visible to group members: Choose whether to reveal the group and category descriptions to group members.

Category and group descriptions visibility checkboxImage Modified

Groups of #, # of Groups

Auto-enroll new users: When new users are enrolled in the course after groups are set up, they are automatically added to the group with the fewest users.

Randomize users in groups: Selected by default, it enrolls users in a random order. Clearing this option enrolls users based on their order in the classlist.

Make category and group descriptions visible to group members: Choose whether to reveal the group and category descriptions to group members.

Three Groups Options listed under Advanced PropertiesImage Modified

Groups of # - Self Enrollment, # of Groups - Self Enrollment, # of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrollment

Set Self Enrollment Start/ Expiry Date: Choose when learners have the ability to enroll in the groups.

Allocate unenrolled users after Self Enrollment Expiry Date: Automatically assigns learners who have not joined a group by the end of the expiry.

Self enrollment start and end date options and allocate unenrolled users checkboxImage Modified

7. Set Additional Options

Additional Options allows for the creation of workspaces specifically for each group. This is where group assignments are created, as well as discussions for groups and lockers. Lockers are a space where group members can store group-related files for each other to use.

List under additional optionsImage Modified

If any of these options are selected, upon saving the category, Brightspace will prompt the creation of the various workspaces chosen.




Learn more about how to navigate the setup for these various workspaces in Discussions and Create an Assignment

Manage Groups

Upon creating a category, the Groups tool reaches full functionality.

Groups areaImage Added

View Categories: Switching between categories allows instructors to view various groups of categories if they have more than one.

View Categories drop-down menuImage Added

Category Drop-down Menu: The drop-down menu allows instructors to make edits to the category, add more groups as they choose, manually enroll learners in the groups, delete the entire categories, or email learners.

Drop down menu next to category name highlightedImage Added

Groups Table: The table gives instructors the ability to view specific groups and their members, as well as delete or email entire groups. Assignments, discussions, and lockers can be viewed directly from the table as well.

Clicking on the group name gives the instructor the ability to edit the group name, code, and description.

Clicking the Members numbers will reveal who is in each group.

Groups tableImage Added
