There are two approaches to copying content within Brightspace.
Comprehensive & File-based: Extra steps, all content works
Quick & Internal: Quick, but for complex sites, it can result in broken links between tools
Comprehensive & File-based
Copying content from one site to another can be facilitated through the Import/Export/Copy Components tool options in Brightspace.
If you have a Brightspace course created with a number of internal links (e.g. your content page has a link to a Checklist or Survey or Assignment or Quiz or other Brightspace content object) you will want to follow the steps in this video by exporting a course package and importing into the new site. This will require you to start in the site where the content is housed (e.g. the Master a reference site or last year’s site) and then import into the new, empty site. Remember to always “Include files” to ensure the best possible experience.
Quick & Internal
If however, you want a quicker, more efficient way that copies content or other tools in Brightspace (and you don’t have a number of links between tools), the video below is a quick way to get content from one site to another. Note that with this process you start in the new, empty site rather than the one with all the content. You must have instructor access in the site you are importing from in order to have access to the content in that site. This might be a better option for moving material migrated from Sakai into your Brightspace site, noting that a commitment to editing and organization is still required when working with migrated content from Sakai.